Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bomb the Music Industry!/ O Pioneers!!! Split

Before I start into the album review, I would first like to point you all to the website where the music can be downloaded from. (Quote Unquote Records) Really, it's a great place, any Bomb the Music Industry CD is worth buying, and to get it for free or whatever donation you feel like giving, should you be so inclined is an outright blessing. I'd also encourage you to check out the other bands on there, I know I will.

Anyhow, with all that out of the way, here it is:
Bomb The Music Industry!/O Pioneers!!! Split

Cost: As previously stated, it costs whatever you want it to cost. Sweet action eh?
Some CD info: There's not really much I can say here, as the only information I know about it is available right there on the page where you get it. I can tell you this about the artwork though, it's done by the insanely awesome Mitch Clem, creator of the webcomics "Nothing Nice to Say," "San Antonio Rock City," and "My Stupid Life." All of which can be found at ( all three are fantastic and I advise you memorize each and every strip and repeat them at all future social functions, people will think you're cool. . . or at least I will.
Genre: Punk
Track Breakdown:
Bomb The Music Industry
1. Save the War - It's difficult to put beliefs aside and cast an objective eye onto anything which carries a controversial message. In this song, the issue of the Iraq war and our culture is touched upon and in order to make my stance known so that you can judge for yourself how it will reflect my opinion of the work as a whole I agree with the message the song puts forward. (The overall ideals expressed are profoundly left-wing in case you were wondering at this point.) Regardless of political ideology however, the tune is classic punk with up tempo rhythm and a catchy hook, a real winner.
2. I'm Terrorfied!!! - Frontman for BtMI! Jeff Rosenstock had a dream that one day black children and white children could eat together at the same table and...actually no he had a dream where he and his mother were standing on the roof of a building as it was hit by planes and bombs. When he awoke, he found that terrorists had been planning an attack with the number of planes in his dream saying " I think that you've clearly had way too much television fear instilled in you when you can effectively predict terrorist attacks." The song is good, it's a solid 2 and a half minutes of enjoyable music. Good lyrics and executed well, not a lot more to say really.
3. This is a Singalong - This is probably my least favorite track of BtMI!'s contribution to this split, it fails to engage me, due in large part to it's repetitive lyrics and mediocre delivery. To quote Queen Victoria, "One is not amused."
4. Ghost of a Corporate Future - A cover of a Regina Spektor song, and in the humble opinion of this reviewer, it's better than the original. Still not as good as the "Save the War" or "Terrorfied" but it's alright every now and again. Good, but not great.
O Pioneers!!!
5. Punknews Is Stoked - Focusing on what can be found in the comments of the news and reviews over at (Punk News) O Pioneers!!! kick their half of the album off right with a rough and ready minute long jam that'll have you yelling along. The sound isn't half as polished as what you'll be expecting after the BtMI! but the coarse, raw waves of sound have their own unique charm.
6. Yo Bones! - The instruments sound similar to "Punknews Is Stoked," and the major difference lies in the delivery of the vocals. They're not as. . .I suppose the word would be intense as in the preceding track but once again, they're good and fit in well with the sound that O Pioneers!!! is clearly trying to establish.
7. You Know That Part in Superman III, Where He Is All Bad Ass and Stuff? Yeah, I Bet That's How You Feel Right Now. - I think I may like this song more than I actually like this song, entirely due to the title. It's fun, it's got a hook, and it lives up to the greatness it's name suggests it should have.
8. Bad Scene, Aaron's Fault - I don't know who Aaron is, but if this song is his fault then kudos to him. It's good stuff indeed. . . You may want more information but I'm fairly tired, perhaps I should start doing these things in the afternoon instead of in the 11 PM to 4 AM timeslot.

Summary: Both these band's are truly excellent examples of modern punk, I walked into this not knowing much about O Pioneers!!! and I walked out thinking I should acquaint myself with them further. I already knew and loved the library of BtMI! works, so I'm sort of surprised that I wasn't as big a fan of their half. Sure "Save the War" and "Terrorfied" are amazing, but I don't think it's enough to balance out the two ends. Still, the album is name your own price. . . and I'm thinking 4-5 dollars is in order here, maybe more if I weren't trying to keep this whole project relatively cheap.
I'm giving this one 3.5/5

Extra note: A lot of links in this post, all of them are worth your time, so check 'em on out eh?

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